for Organ & Chamber Orchestra

Year: 2024

Duration: 10:00

World Premiere: expected in October 2024

Publisher: currently not available

Recording: currently not available

Online media: currently not available

Program notes:

My first contact with the organ was 20 years ago when I had to play "last minute" with a choir
for a wedding. As a trained pianist I thought that the choir would provide me a keyboard to
play on it, but at my surprise only a small organ was available at the venue...

One often hears that "...Organ is an instrument exclusively for Church music...".
Probably that's why many people are scared & don't give this wonderful instrument more chances.
Without my first unexpected contact with the organ I would probably still don't know enough
about it. But, fortunately, some years later I even did a couple of years of organ training,
enough to know about the differences between piano & organ.

My goal in "Konzertstück" is to show a wide range of organ repertoire types, going from more
typical "church chorals", through magnificent "orchestral" organ sound, the tricky fugue style
& even more recent tendences... yes Organ can also play groovy music!

The whole music material turns around a musical motif created simply by replacing each letter
of "AMIS DE L'ORGUE" through music notes. This musical cryptogram technique is not new &
has already been used by great composers in the past & also all around the world.

For this piece I used the "French" method pyctogram, as used f.ex by Maurice Ravel.

Composer & Conductor
from Luxembourg